Malacia nodded and picked up the herbs. She walked over to Anxius' side and sat down. She placed the herbs on the grass next to herself. She took a few herbs from the small pile and began chewing them up. She frowned in disgust as the foul taste hit her. Anxius wearily watched her, not eager to experience the herbs that undoubtedly tasted awful, judging from the expression on Malacia's face. Malacia caught Anxius' gaze and gave him a guilty smile. Once she was done chewing the herbs, she began carefully and gently placing them on the injury. She sensed Anxius tense, but he did not protest or cry out in pain. Once she was done, she leaned back and examined her work. Satisfied, she stood up again and turned towards the wolf and rabbit. "I think that should do," She said, "Thank you. You probably want to go now. I'd rather not try to move him while he's still injured like this."