[i]Three days...[/i] Three days of confusion, fear and eventual acceptance compounded by inactivity and boredom. For all its value as entertainment, Elder Tale had thus far made for a poor standard of life. For those without guilds it must have been many times worse, stuck out in the cold all night or sleeping in oversubscribed inns. [i]At least I've a warm bed and good company.[/i] Standing atop one of Lun's many towers, a rather dapper looking gentleman was gazing out over the city in a bored fugue. Quite aside from nothing happening these last few days, he himself had barely left the confines of Lun's inner city. He had enough gold saved to cover his expenses and no reason to leave... Regardless he felt as though he was wasting time here, although why he could not fathom. Fortunately, today might have something more interesting in store, should his illustrious Guildmaster come up with a suitable distraction. As the allotted time rolled around, he headed back down to street level and off toward the park wherein this meeting was to be held. Silverfall had never been a large guild, nor was it the most appropriate for someone of his level, but the other members had always treated him fair regardless of his inability to join them on high-level raids. A fair few of them had been offline at the time of the Apocalypse, leaving the guild smaller than ever; regardless it was one of the more functional in Lun, with many others disintegrating due to low member count or defections to larger guilds. Silverfall could reliably call upon five or six members, more than most. However, the low turnout at the meeting was below even that number, a point which worried the young man. [b]'At least the area between the two cities is not of a high level; I assume he has gotten himself waylaid by PKers? They are rather common at the moment.'[/b] Getting stuck like this Thandev had reportedly done was no easy achievement; if he wished to return to Ironhold all he needed to do was jump off a cliff. Admittedly, self-preservation instinct was a powerful thing. [b]'At any rate dear Guildmaster, I am yours to command. Little good may I do in a raid, but to paraphrase our colonial brethren, I can still fuck shit up in the field.'[/b] Despite his poncy attitude he was rather looking forward to leaving the city limits; EarlTrevorVI had barely fired a shot since all this lark began.