"Ok then, Question, Why can't I just Phase-Step to the end? Its not like I'll ever encounter lightning proof box." He asked and then grinned taking a few steps he laughed and started running, the steps came first bouncing lazily from point to point, no need for energy use on this one, it was the same as dancing through an opponents blades in a fight. if the ground had been uneven then it'd have been more fun. Hurdle jump after that spring loaded jumps, it wasn't like this was anything new, He energized his own steps to produce larger jumps often enough, the only difference was angle, He stumbled a little after the last one but kept his footing. Then came the log, this was a good use for his powers. Jumping forward he slammed his palm in to it, using the momentum to grab hold on the other side, his feet matching his hands, though a moment or two behind, the static electricity holding him in place as it rolled down. letting go at the other end he bounded upright, still grinning. Balance bridge after that, bounding across it there wasn't much his powers could do to help him, He made it but rather ungracefully, landing on his ass at the end he was still laughing as he stood up and stretched. Jump hang after that was easy, bounding off the trampoline he grabbed hold of the net his energized hands holding on to it with ease as he scrambled up and over, rolling down the other side of it. The warped wall didn't prove much of a challenge ether though it wasn't as graceful as it could have been, scrambling up it on all fours and grabbing the edge to haul himself up, he was still grinning but it was obvious that this was putting strain on his body, the constant physical exertion combined with magic use. The salmon ladder was more intresting, he could use his power to stop it when he wanted, but picking up motion again was hard. he did it but not with any speed or grace, nor without a few good swear words being thrown in there for good measure. Reaching the Wall lift Alexander stopped and sat down, it was unclear if he'd given up or otherwise. he was sat there for a good minute or so before he stood again, "I hope you don't mind me catching my breath?" He asked as if the answer mattered now that he'd already done it. Grabbing each wall he hauled it upwards, getting it up was the hard part, once it was up he could get it to stay put until he let go with his powers. Reaching the pipe slide he tapped his chin and yawned. "Board now." He announced and bounced off the track and bowed, clearly done with the exercise bowing to the teacher and the rest of the class he went back over to his blade and picked it up. "I hope that's enough"