Melissa visibly relaxed at the princess’ words. Her princess now. The thought of being given a newfound purpose was made her body feel lighter than usual, and she giggled despite herself at the thought of it all. For once she would do what she did best, even if she was a little rusty at it. Stooping down, she scooped up Miranda into her arms and prepared for the journey upstairs eagerly. [i] “As for your sleeping conditions...why don’t we sneak you upstairs, get you cleaned up, and you can take mine. I hardly sleep in it anyway.”[/i] That statement in particular gave the one-eyed girl some pause. Disbelief crossing her face, she stared blankly at the other girl as if she had lost her mind to madness. Given that one of the two weren’t quite right in the head, it couldn’t have been the royal. “Er, Alice? Is that a…good idea? If I get caught in your bed, I’ll be put to death immediately. Unless this is all just your plan to kill me after all?” Seriously, what was with this girl’s obsession with death? Specifically hers? “Also,” Melissa carried on, “That’s like the worse of the worse crimes to do in a kingdom. I’m sure of it! Sleeping in the same bed of royalty…that’s madder than me! See…even Miranda agrees!” Soon enough though, the two girls had reached the top stairs, now making their way further up and into the princess’ personal chambers.