Shuo felt the first wave of the conglomerate of fire impact on the station in his thick boots. He grabbed onto a nearby support beam. Then the gravity switched off and the lights went off for a moment. Shuo quickly engaged his head mounted lights. He had the feeling of his stomach falling and he looked down as he began to float upward. It was still dark so he could only see what he was looking at dead on. He felt the superstructure of the station rattle again through his hand and into his chest. Then the emergency lights activated so Shuo turned off his own lights. Luckily their section didn't depressurize as that would have pulled them out of the rupture. He was glad the fly boys did their job correctly. Shuo grabbed onto the ceiling and pointed himself down the hallway and activated his thrusters on his back. It wasent anything terribley powerful so he didn't slam his neck into a wall and kill himself. Once he got to the end of the corridor and reached a T section he looked back at the group and then down each hallway. He then orientated his feet to the floor and magnetized his boots and fell onto the floor. He then called out over the coms that it was clear." Rareth, are you still rated for space?" Shuo said as he pulled his weapon off his back and held onto it as floated around in his hands a little.