James laid his accent on thick as his smile grew impossibly wide, "Well, [i]Jyenny[/i]..." Che groans, muttering to himself, "Ugh, Sirène help me..." knowing what came next, he covered his eyes in anticipation and pre-embarrasement. James stands, almost instantly unbuttoning his shirt to allow it to resemble a cape, placing a foot on Princess' sleeping head, he struck a Captain Morgan pose. "I!" He winked at the groaning Che, "AM JAMES GARCIA PEDRO ROSARIO SANTIAGO." He leaned in close to Jenny, "I'd offer you a rose, but it'd only wilt in comparison to your staggering beauty..." Che perked up at this, "Christ, Jim, really?" "What Chewwy?" James glanced Jenny's features over, "She's not legal?" "It's not even..." Che gripped the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Look, bro, can we not do this today? They just got here, I just got up, we're all tired..." After a brief stare down between the brothers, James responded, "BAHH!" he fell back down, sitting [i]on[/i] Princess' sleeping body, he crossed his legs and his arms, "Boring as always Chewwy, I was just having a little fun with the new kids..." Letting out a yawn in response, Che turned to Jenny, "He's not as creepy once he sobers up, I promise." There was a hesitation in his voice, as if even he wasn't sure that was true, "And to answer your question, she's uhh... well, she's Princess." He gestured toward the old and battered woman sleeping beneath James, "She's not [i]actually[/i] a Princess... obviously. But it's more than just a clever nickname. She's one of the few direct descendents of island royalty who don't hide away on the atoll... She'd actually be a..." He thought for a second, "Duchess, or like a Countess, or something." Addressing the group as a whole, he finished, "You guys'll find out a ton of weird stuff like that all year. Y'know, if they were a commodity, I think our little island would export secrets."