Adelaide smiled lightly... this strange woman thought her reliable, even though she was poised to kill her just moments ago. Her charm did that to people, it made her seem likeable dispite a cold and harsh personality. In a birdlike gesture, Adelaide cocked her head to the side as she looked up at the pale woman. It wasn't everyday that Adelaide met someone that she had to look up to, let alone it be a woman. The glowing gold spirals in her eyes seemed almost hypnotic and Adelaide stepped closer, a little too close for most people to find comfortable, but Adelaide's allure let her get away with a lot of things. Her fingers still gripped her bow, ready to react, as she called down a rain to quell the flames surrounding them. "You find me reliable... and in the ways of war and pillow play, I am. But you knew nothing of that... you hardly know of who and what stands before you. I will be your guide if you give me answers. What are you? You seem more than human" The question was personal, brash and completely rude, but that was Adelaide for you. Plus... this journey would be long, and payment in some form was required.