[img]http://i.gyazo.com/77853fbd2968d382e76b32ca7d77f1d7.png[/img] Name: Glacier Age: 25 Race: Ice Demon Gender: Male Power Level: (First form) 135/400 Stats Strength: 50 Speed: 100 Endurance: 150 Ki: 60 Techniques Name: Ice Blast Type: Ki Attack Description: An all purpose blast that Glacier uses during fights when he has no time to power up. Takes little time to charge but lacks stopping power. He just needs one arm out and a palm opened Required power: 140 Name: Rush Hour Type: Combination Attack Description: A flurry of punchs and kicks intended to over whelm an opponents defense. The down side is it makes you tired really quickly and doesn't provide a lot of power behind he attacks. Used as more of a stun then anything else. Required power: 200 Name: Hail Storm Type: Ki Attack Description: A series of multiple ki blasts that rains down on an opponent. They are yellow and medium sized in nature. Similar to the Ice Blast but a little stronger. Required power: 300 Name: Blazing Sun Type: Ki Attack Description: A single focused ball of ki. Glacier puts a finger up and concentrates the energy into a single large ball of ki. Takes time to charge and leaves him vulnerable while charging. Personality: While Glacier seems to be a bit edgy he cares for others around him. He puts others before himself and loves to teach others. He is very knowledgeable and loves science. Although he trains he is mostly seen in a lab. When he first meets people he might sometimes comes off as hostile. Although he tries his best to work out those problems. He loves to be around groups and getting to know them. He loves to be romantic around girls. History: Glacier was born and raised on a ship with his family. His family took him to many planets during his child hood. His father was very violent and tried to raise Glacier to be just like him. Sometimes his father would destroy a planet because he had a very bad day. Glacier grew up to fear his father and not to anger him. Watching him brain washing his other two siblings who where younger then him. Glacier vowed to never be like his father and cursed his fathers name. So Glacier would loose himself in books trying to learn how to make his own ship to escape his father. Glaciers father was a criminal on his home planet and decided to flee with Glacier and his other two siblings. Glacier tried to turn his siblings against their father but they where too afraid to do so. Glacier is scarred from what his father did to him and others. He spends a lot of time on learning technology to bury the hurt feelings he has. Other: To make things fair for everyone I am going to lock his other forms until he trains better. Lets say he has never transformed before and didn't learn to do it yet. He has up to four forms. Although his race is naturally strong he hasn't trained in a very long time; he has gotten very very weak.