[quote=Magic Magnum] Normally I'd go on a good amount on my views/opinions.But this is unlikely when the question asked is so brief, and even more unlikely when I'm tired.This is both, so this is a rare case I'll keep this short(ish). 1) Against it, fully. If anyone else is punished with violence we call it assault and abuse, the use on children should be viewed no differently.Plus it teaches them nothing outside of "Try not to do this, when they're around". If it ever actually causes a child to feel bad about what they did and stop, that's more a case of that child realizing they hurt their parents and wanting to stop. Which they could of realized by being told that they did rather than by being hit over it.2) Never thought about it. Nor heard of that term for it before so I had to look it up quickly.Basically, as long as it's safe treatment I see no issues in the practice of going to another country for treatment of any kind.Me saying if it's a good choice or a bad choice though would be a case by case analysis on what they are working on, why they are working on it and why are they leaving the country for it. [/quote] I kept the question brief as I need to be aware of all possible avenues of argument in order to best prepare for the debate. I wanted to see what people would say and what arguments they would form without being guided toward any specifics. Hence, I kept it brief and plain. 1. Do you not think that a coupling of punishment with an explanation of why punishment is necessary is a good way to reinforce the negative consequences of that action while simultaneously educating the child on the morality of their actions? (that's a very long clusterfuck of a sentence, hope it made sense.) 2. What about the exploitation of women in poor or developing countries for the purposes of commercial surrogacy? [quote=mdk] Violence has its place in society, and a responsible, measured disciplinary system is one of those places. That said leave it between kids and their parents -- we don't need to bring spankings into a compulsory education. Families don't need to be boxed into a corner over this, regardless of which corner you're talking about. [/quote] Is it not the job of society and the government to regulate the actions of parents to protect children, the most precious and vulnerable in society? Is it not our job to "box them into a corner", so to speak, by carefully and rigidly defining what is and is not acceptable? [quote=Goldmarble] Smacking: Idealistic about it. A parent should only have to use spanking as a last resort, for a child who commits an egregious error of judgement. No tools should ever be used, other than the open palm of the parent's hand. Supplemented with communication as to why, and how the action, or actions the child undertook were wrong. 3 slaps upside the ass should be maximum penalty. One should suffice for 99% of any time physical force is deemed necessary.I do not agree with the use of belts, spoons, paddles, or spanking "sessions." To me, this is abuse.Fertility Tourism? I give utterly no fucks about. I personally think it is silly to give a shit about something like this: It's other people's lives, other people's bodies, and has no effect on anyone, but them. [/quote] Smacking: Why do you draw the lines where you do? Should a parent who slaps 4 times be berated or punished? Should the punishment be the same for a parent who smacks four times as a parent who leaves cuts and black eyes? If not, again, where is the line drawn? Fertility tourism: is it not our role to work as a society to protect those who are easily exploitable?