Running, running, running. Out of breath. How did it get so dark? She’d lived in the castle since birth, and yet the corridors seemed endless. The only place she ended up was where she’d started. Why weren’t there any guards around? Where was Arthur? Had Melissa been recaptured before she could issue the new orders? “Hey! Hey! Someone! Please!” The monsters were only getting closer. Alice could swear there were no dead-ends in the castle, yet somehow she ended up at one. She frantically looked around, but there was no way out. Her breathing got impossibly fast, and she thought her heart would burst right out from her heaving chest. One second they were little blue orcs and the next they were white will-o-the-wisps and the next they were snarling bloodhounds dripping crimson from their previous victim. In a burst of sheer adrenaline, she ran right toward the demons, and around them. She sprinted and sprinted and sprinted down the endless halls, the pounding of paws behind her filled the air. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she saw Melissa hot on her trail. Right behind her on either side were the Jester and Miranda, who’d miraculously grown and gained the ability to move of her own accord. “You thought you could trust me? Ha! Naive little girl! Go back to Mommy and Daddy. You don’t have what it takes to protect your nation.” Alice began to cry, but didn’t stop running. The evil laughter from behind her gave her fuel. Then she saw her chance. An open window. She jumped without hesitation. The fall lasted for an eternity, and her heart raced. She cried more. Right before she hit the ground with a splat, she heard voices. --- With a start, Alice jerked her body up in wakefulness and fell onto the ground. Inching away, real tears streamed down her face. Her heart was still racing and her breath still came in fast and shallow from the dream. “G-get away. Both of you! Get away!” She opened a drawer with shaking hands and got her dagger from it. It was a pathetic defense compared to the magical forces on the sides of the other two, but it was something. She stood up slowly and held out the dagger with both hands in front of her, body quivering and tears still streaming down her face due to her fear. “GET OUT, DEMONS!” She ran forth toward the Jester with her dagger, though her path was nowhere near straight and even a breeze could send her dangerously tumbling.