[i] “GET OUT, DEMONS!”[/i] Both the Jester and Melissa turned to look at the ranting princess; Melissa froze in being startled by Alice’s sudden actions while the Masked Man only looked on with no emotion. As she royal tried to strike at him with a knife, the Jester was by her side instantly. With no effort, he grabbed her flailing wrist and held her up high. Raising her up to meet his masked visage, his golden eyes met directly with hers. A sudden sensation would engulf Alice, reminiscent of the fear magic Melissa had used on her just a few hours prior when she was still her prisoner. Whereas Melissa only made Alice uncomfortable, this more potent dosage was meant to drive the young girl insane, letting her inner fears become reality in her mind. “Sink into your own darkness, Alice of Crescentia,” the Jester said calmly. “Drown and never wake up.” “Let her go!” Something soft was thrown at the Jester’s head; still clutching Alice, he looked down at his feet to see the stuffed form of Miranda. Looking up to comment on such weak offensive, he was met with a large conglomeration of dark fire to the face. It was enough to make him drop Alice to the ground, though he made no verbal indication of pain. Stumbling back, Melissa took the time to rush to her princess’ side. “Are you ok?” She crouched in front of Alice, ready to strike again if the Jester advanced. But the Masked Man was done for tonight. The flames having dissipated from his masked face, he was already flickering out of existence. “I’ve seen all I need to see. Yes, this is most interesting…consider your kingdom under attack Princess Alice. Let that be your punishment for failing to die on this night.” The Masked Man’s pupils narrowed. “I declare war on you all. Hail the Ultimatum. Hail Yggdrasil.” And with that, the enigmatic man faded away, leaving behind a torn apart bedroom, a shaken princess, and a worried rouge. “Alice, please say something!”