[center][b]1st December, 1999 – Aldenberg Manor Ronan Findley[/b][/center] Reclining slightly in his seat, Ronan surveyed the room. “Is everyone here?” He tucked a few errant strands of hair behind his ear, jabbing his wand at the door carelessly to shut it. “It matters little, either way – I'm sure anyone who hasn't gotten here yet will hear it from one of us.” “The 1st of December – a grim anniversary, I'm sure you know. A year since the fall of Albus Dumbledore... and with it, the break-up of the Order.” He rifled through the papers on his desk absently, eyes flickering towards Jia for a few moments. “Those with fond memories of our sister organisation will be pleased to know their work was not in vain, and we have confirmed the locations and natures of three Horcruxes through notes they have left behind.” “The first of them–” A loud thump could be heard on the other side of the large, ornate windows and Ronan's hand instinctively jumped toward his wand; however, he only stalked over to it, opened the curtains and peered at the interruption; a small black owl, a note firmly attached to its leg. Dazed, it pecked at the glass, begging to be let in. “You going to let it in, Ronan?” he heard Siobhan ask – one of those people who wanted to save all the little creatures of the world. Most healers were, save the ones in Voldemort's employ. Leaning over, careful not to lose is balance, he nudged the window open and picked it up, holding it at arm's length as he peeled off the note. Skimming through it, his eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion, but he read it aloud to the audience dutifully: “[i]It would be best for me not to disclose my name here, as it may easily be intercepted. All that you need to know however, is that I am a high-ranking Death Eater and I wish to join your cause. I don't expect that any of you will trust me, but Mr. Keiper certainly must have, or else you wouldn't have been expecting this letter...[/i]” Ronan trailed off for a moment, eyebrow quirked, before continuing, “[i]If you choose to hear what I have to say, I will be at the Luchino Caffe on Tottenham Court Road in London at three hours past midnight. Coffee (if you so fancy) is on me. Bring as many members as you'd like if you doubt my intentions, I have no plans for anything but conversation.[/i]” Crossing his arms, Ronan limped back over to the table, putting down the note. “Well, that doesn't sound suspicious at [i]all[/i],” he said sarcastically. “It seems like we have more pressing issues to attend to than the Horcruxes, strange as it may seem to say that. Opinions on this anonymous 'friend' of ours?”