[i] “God, it reeks in here.”[/i] “W-What?” Well, she had wanted an answer of recognition. Though she hadn’t expected [i]this[/i] to occur. Watching Alice move around like a mad person or one of those religious nuts always preaching about the Dytenziextity…well, it was disturbing to say the least, though not uncommon. Sighing, Melissa watched Alice prance around to the window, making sure to shield her eyes when the princess undressed. “Fear magic,” she muttered. To her knowledge, very little could save someone from being exposed. The main resort was usually physical consequence. Whoever this Masked Jester really was, he wielded the arcane arts with little effort. [i] “C’mon, Melissa! Dance with me, hey! Jump around! You too, Miranda! Let’s run away into the forest and eat wayward travelers! Why not? Let’s go.”[/i] “Wait, your Highness! You’ve been affected by fear magic and so I have to-” Her mind promptly shut down on itself when Alice leaned over and kissed her right on the lips. Disbelief was soon replaced with a sense of almighty fear. Looking around, she made sure there was no one present to watch this spectacle. “Crap, crap, crap, crap…this isn’t good Miranda!” First off, she was a wanted criminal. Second, she was in the princess’ personal chambers. Third, it would look to any outside viewer that she had drugged the royal girl. Lastly…she had been kissed! By another female! The leader of a nation no less! [i] “I’ve been wanting to do that. C’mon. Dance with me! This song is great for it. Jump around!”[/i] Fighting down the blush that was no doubt redder than her remaining eye, Melissa rushed towards the window to pull Alice back. “Hey come on, you can’t do that your Highness!” Pulling her in, Melissa did the next best thing: slapping some sense into Alice. Literally. The first strike made her gasp a little and she whirled around again. Great, now she was manhandling the princess. She continued to do so until she finally dubbed it safe to reverse the effects with her own fear magic. It wasn’t easy getting Alice’s deluded form to stay still, but she finally managed to lock her gaze with the single eye, concentrating. It took little more than five seconds, draining Melissa to the brink of exhaustion. “Please tell me you’re back to normal,” Melissa panted.