Vendrick ignored what the two had said for the moment. He needed to finish this. He had just finished the final hole, and placed the final box in. The smallest box there was, about the size of a human infant. He carefully pushed down the dirt into the hole, making sure that the box did not break from the weight. The girl, Sanguine, ran off to the alleyway that the noises had come from. Such an effort may have been futile. The noises stopped for a long time. Once the final hole was filled, Vendrick walked out a few metres. He stood in front of all of the graves, and clapped his hands twice before saying a prayer. [centre][i] Remediorm opporgnatif Imagif exsistentia Aeris ifm aqua jam meors partis Tor zel videre omninif zil Deus meth Manus non pertingit tenebris locus [/centre][/i] The way that the prayer was said seemed to radiate sadness. Even with his rough and deep voice, Vendrick managed to speak in such a way that radiated sorrow and empathy. After a few seconds of absolute silence, Vendrick slowly turned to the man. "Ben... I do not need a place to stay. I do not drink, eizer." He said, his voice much more void of sorrow. "So, information of zis chaos, you ask? I have but a layman's knowledge of zis subject, but I shall tell you about zese events wiz ze best detail I can." "Zere is a cloaked figure. I have only seen him vree (3) times. He shakes. Ven I see him, I hear more sounds. Sounds zat are strange. Ze oddest are ze sound of the sands of a desert, and one zat is more... unexplainable. Like somevone was changing reality. Zey have been..." Vendrick's voice became much more angry. "Defiling ze corpses of ze dead. Sometimes I can't even find ze body. Just zheir blood. Such... such impiety... shalt not be forgiven." Vendrick's voice seemed to calm down after waiting a few seconds. "I don't know much about zis, but I can not vander on until zis chaos ends"