Intro: High tech, low life. That's the old saying, at least. Hell, that's not even the half of it. Society is certainly advancing, and some could say, thriving, in scientific advancements. We've cured disease, we've ended war, and we've spread out, to the reaches of our galaxy. However, the coin has two sides. For all of our advancements, all our great victories, there is one thing that will never go away. A cancer to our society, never to be truly solved. The cancer is crime. Crime is literally everywhere, and for every honest and hardworking layman, there are several more lecherous whoremongers, murderers, petty thieves, and much, much worse. Gangs, para-militants, and terrorists all vie for control of the next street over. Gangs like the Urkhan, the Tunnel Rats, Blackhead, and Whitestroke have a stranglehold over businesses Politicians are puppets, and no one can stop their next pay raise. Religious tension between minorities has erupted into planetwide secret wars of attrition. Forbidden cults, transhumanist priests, all stirring up trouble planetside. Crime and conflict will never leave. Only you, a member of the Interface, can stop them. Good luck