Sable:* slowly opens the door to the green room, It's dark and no one is around. He flips the light on to reveal that he is wearing an Santa hat and an ugly Christmas sweater. He cracks his fingers and neck* Time to get to work... [i]Several hours later...[/i] Sammy: *opens the door* Hey god, I came as soon as i got the messeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH?!?!? *The Green room is completely decorated with lights hang from the ceiling and walls, A big Christmas tree stands proudly in one corner of the room, covered in lights, ornaments, and tinsel, topped off by big gold star, an old fashioned fire place roars in the corner opposite the tree, there is a table full of all sorts of food and goodies, and, of course, there are presents galore!* Sable: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!