Name: Scifer Age: 21 Appearance: Kinda like this but with blood red hair and eyes. [img=] [img=] Ability: No Powers... Extremely little is know of his abilities or talents but he is the best intel brocker there is! He has his hands in almost every thing and though none of them no it, he plays every side! He is highly intelligent and skilled with a knife..(Really skilled!!) He is even able to throw them with incredible accuracy.. He is a thief of many trades, con artist, and a pick pocket. and the worst part is that he a lot like a Snake.. Impossible to read!! Lastly his intel is so good that everyone trusts him and never see's it coming when his knife ends up in there back! Bio: Does not have one. There is a motive for what he does but it is in no way related to anything that happened to him in his past. Let's just say that Scifer's past has been his best kept secret. Job: Intel Brocker. Is he a hero, villain, or neutral?: Neutral leaning more towards a Villain ....