Akito follows obediently behind the youth, not even really thinking about where they may be headed. He recognizes the gait as one who has not decided on a destination and keeps his pace such that the is not in risk of drawing even with the prince. [i]'For some reason I do not feel right walking there just yet. I doubt I will feel ready to walk there ever, though I have no doubt that he will make me, or circumstances will call for it, more often than I would like'[/i] The sharp turn draws his eyes from the ground to the young man's back and he pays a little more attention now that Hiro seems to have a goal in mind. His first thought as the enter the large, nearly empty room, is that it's quite a waste of space. Spotting the two men he immediately marks one as a master, the other, he is unable to tell. [i]'Something about masters of their craft, they have a certain air about them, something that screams “I rule here” to eyes like mine'[/i] The prince seems to pause for a bit so Aki takes the opportunity to watch the game play. He's never actually played board games, though his father often tried to get him interested. In truth, he does have some interest, however he'd always been to busy with either training, or his one hobby. He never felt like he had time for anything else. [i]'However, now, I may just need something to keep my mind occupied at times. . .'[/i] Soon however they are off once more and he listens silently to Hiro's commentary. [i]'I feel like I'm with a tour guide I am terrified of to asks questions'[/i] Hearing the queen up ahead a little before the prince his head comes up and he watches as she comes into view right after Hiro turns around. He stands still for a moment, wondering what's going to happen and a moment latter his question is answered. [i]'Why would he want to not be around his mother? She seems really sweet, and she's his mother. . .'[/i] He shrugs off the quandary, not really feeling the need to dissect the familial interactions or the royal family right now. He follows behind the prince, listening to the exchange, his own worried glances added in here and there as it is obvious the queen is over exerting herself a bit. [i]'She should really be more careful. The child looks almost due and such strain could make it come out too early, or so I have heard. . .'[/i] After her question about the garden however he becomes thoroughly distracted from his thoughts as she turns and looks directly at him for her next question. “Aki dear, do you think we should have a pavilion or simply have it open to the sky?” Caught off guard he simply stares for a moment before stuttering out his answer. “I, um, I like the outdoors. . .” She claps happily, obviously pleased with his response. “Yes, a little bit more of a common or rustic feel, I like it.” Another servant writes that part down before she tries to launch into more questions. However, from somewhere behind her, the king's voice booms out, “Darling, what are you doing up and about?! You should be resting!” An expression crosses her face like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “Oh darn, he caught me. Oh well, I now have some things to go on, thank you boys!” She looks up at her husband as he comes up on the group of them in the middle of the hallway and shifts her weight from the servant's shoulder to his arm and with a smile the two of them head off towards their chamber. Aki lets out a long breath, feeling the pressure ease off of him a bit. Glancing over at the prince he realizes that it's going to be a long time before he's consciously comfortable anywhere in this place.