Thanks for acceptance. [quote=Darcs] I want to make a list of unique possibilities every time she uses her connection to Chaos Magic and roll actual die to see what happens. 1-6 and 1-20 would be my go to numbers, but as things get more challenging maybe I increase the roll and with it the negative possibilities, including death.I could run the lists of possibilities by you to keep things as fair as possible.(I also had an idea for a dungeon where the main enemies have been corrupted by this magic, and they have just as of a chance when attacking to put themselves to sleep as the do to cast a bolt of lightening.) [/quote] This reminds me of a book I recently read called the Storm Thief, wherein a huge city is ravaged by magical events called Probability Storms that alter reality locally. For example, one of the main characters had his breath robbed by a Probability Storm, and is forced to use a respirator. A different storm created monsters called Mozgas, which were out of sync with time and would shift from moving too quickly to see at one moment to slow-motion the next. Probability is an interesting thing. After playing in an RP series called Dungeon Keepers for so long, I have more than a few ideas for dungeons I could make. Should be awesome.