Name: Finn of Oakwood Age: 25 Gender: male and proud of it! Race: Gnome: gnomes are short humanoid species that resemble halflings in many ways except they have spiky wild hair and are as tall as dwarfs. They can have really good senses and are really in tune with nature and the mystical forces behind it. Gnomes are known make really great Rangers and druids. They live mostly in the wild and form communities made up of clans and villages. Class: Ranger Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Finn is a free spirit and likes being indepentant from the rest of society when he can, but this doesn't stop him from helping others and doing duties that he feel will help those in need. He loves the life of an adventurer above anything else with the exception of his battle brother Bernor, and is always looking for the next quest where he can find many and glory. His dream is to become the greatest adventurer there ever was and be remembered forever. He is very proud of his masculinity and will get furious with anyone insults, which is an extension of his angry personality. Finn can also be cocky and thinks of his abilities as a ranger very highly. He firmly believes that rangers can be just as much of an asset to adventuring as any other class. religiously Finn believes in just one god who is the unnamed god of the wild and doesn't believe that any of the other gods are real, just tales created by humans and other races. Despite his negative personality traits, Finn can be very friendly to those he likes and is incredibly loyal and will always stick up for his friends. He is incredibly brave and doesn't back down from a fight with someone bigger than him, but fights smartly and uses his abilities in the most effective way. Finn is a lover of nature and life, he respects it completely since his god is the ruler of life and the wild. Brief Backstory: Finn grew up in the wilderness with his clan of gnomish villagers and hunters. From the moment he could remember, Finn had always had thoughts of adventure and encountering daring danger. When he was five years old, he went on adventures out in the deep woods and angered his parents for his recklessness, but he didn't care, he loved going on his little adventures. He sometimes would bring his friends along and they would make all sorts of trouble. He was a free spirit and wanted to explore the world and see all that it had to offer. His parents told him stories of the great heroes who had ever lived among his people and Finn dreamed of becoming a great hero as well. When he was fifteen, Finn decided that it was time to leave and go out on his own. He packed up his things and left for the open world, not knowing where his adventure would take him. He had his god to give him solace as he journeyed out of the woods of his homeland and into the vast lands beyond. The first thing he decided to do was to go and find an occupation and skills that he would need to survive out in the world. He decided that he was keen to become a ranger thanks to his good hunting and tracking skills. He spent many years developing and honing in on his abilities as a ranger. Eventually he became very skilled in the art and that was when he met Bernor the bear. The bear had been trapped by hunters and even though Finn was a hunter himself he felt sympathy for the animal and fought the hunters. After rescuing the bear, Finn was given the gift of beast speech by Bernor who had revealed himself to be no ordinary bear, but a guardian of the forest. After having a conversation, they decided to become battle brothers and Bernor joined him on his quest to see the world and gave his title as guardian to another more younger bear. From then on, Finn and Bernor went on many adventures and encountered a great number of foul and wondrous things. They are now seeking their next big adventure and Finn hopes to become the greatest adventurer that ever lived. Equipment: two [url=]shorts swords[/url], a [url=]longbow[/url], a quiver with fifty arrows and ten of those arrows have silver heads to make them more effective against evil, twelve [url=]daggers[/url] and [url=]leather armor[/url]. He also has a long [url=]battle knife[/url] and a horn that gives off a loud noise with magical properties that can frighten enemies that are low in courage, and a dark green cloak with hood to keep his face unseen when he wants to be discreet. Finally Finn has a pack that has all of his adventuring needs such as food, maps and herbs for when people become sick. Abilities: He has very few magical abilities but he is very skilled at taming wild animals and can speak with them. Finn is incredibly skilled with archery and is excellent at quick drawing his arrows as well as performing trick shots with them. He is very good with his shortswords and he duel wields them when he is not using his bow. Living a life in the wild has made him develop very keen senses and incredible survival skills and a big knowledge of the wilderness, he also has developed the ability to see in normal darkness as if it was normal day light. Finn is also very skilled in unarmed combat and a natural born street fighter. He has a bear named [url=]Bernor[/url] who is his closest friend and battle brother. One of his magical abilities is that he can imbue his arrows when he has them notched with nature magic which makes them magical and more effective against supernatural and undead monsters, but he does have to say a prayer to do so. He is an excellent climber and can climb better than most animals. His agility is so great that he almost appears like he is everywhere at once which makes it very hard to catch him and single him out in a battle.