Name: Reaper's Horde Brief History: In a cave far from civilization, a group of dark mages had attempted to summon the demon Lord they revered through the use of dark arts and a mysterious gem that contained a dark aura. They believed the cave to be the location of some sort of gateway that would allow their Lord to be brought forth and achieve their goals. Instead of their demon lord, however, they summoned his executioner instead, who had whispered in their minds and promised them power and riches beyond their wildest dreams if he was freed. The executioner then possessed the leader of the dark mages, granting the mage immeasurable power, but at the cost of his and his group's freedom. Their souls were bound to the demon executioner, and they could not escape even through death. The gem mentioned beforehand was a key to unlock the seal that had imprisoned the executioner long ago, and the foolish mages had broken the seal and granted the demon freedom. However, the gem still has some power in it, and forces the executioner to stay where it is. As a result, the executioner summons its own minions from parts unknown through long forgotten magics. The monsters that are summoned are very deadly and incredibly hostile. Beware if you wish to enter, but if you should succeed to defeat the executioner, you will be rewarded with its fantastic treasures it has obtained from said parts unknown. After all, what good is a powerful demon without powerful and valuable items? Layout Summary: It used to be a fair normal and large cave, but the executioner had its sunmoned creatures work on the cave to make it very grand and foreboding. It is now a three-floor underground fortress. The top floor is an expansion of the original cave, with some rooms and hallways that have occasional weaker monsters patrolling and wandering. The second floor consists of roughly the same, with more powerful monsters patrolling. The third floor has the fewest, but largest, rooms, and the very largest consists of a throne room, containing the executioner himself and the dark mages who have long since lost their will to the executioner. Threats(Enemies, Traps, etc): Floor One: [hider=Zombies]The rotting corpses of those who were unfortunate enough to die here, reanimated by dark magics. Very strong and very durable. Only a fatal blow to the head will kill one. Anything short of that will cause them to relentlessly attack you. Fortunately, they are slow and stupid, making them easy to simply outrun and outsmart.[/hider] [hider=Skeleton]Animated bones that move around as if they were still alive. Smarter than zombies, but not by much, and not as durable either. Sometimes carries pieces of equipment, ranging from rusting short swords to wooden clubs to stone pickaxes, all of which are only capable of melee combat. They don't really pay attention to each other, and may even end up accidentally hitting each other during battle. Again, only by destroying the head will they be killed, otherwise they will slowly repair themselves and continue their assault. [/hider] Floor 2: [hider=Skeleton]See above.[/hider] [hider=Skeleton Commander]Easy to tell from other skeletons by their red-plume helmets and their shiny metal weapons. Rarer than normal skeletons, and much more dangerous. They are definitely more powerful in fights than an individual skeleton, but what really makes them dangerous is their ability to command a small group of skeletons (the most recorded is 6) and have them work together in fights, performing basic group tactics that can easily bring down unprepared solo adventurers. Also capable of commanding metal skeletons (see below).[/hider] [hider=Giant Spiders]Larger than ordinary spiders, obviously. About the size of house cats. Territorial, too, and will attack anything that they think is trying to enter their territory. Usually only one in each room, since they will also attack each other for territory. Interestingly enough, they don't attack skeletons, possibly because skeletons pay no attention to them, and the spiders realize that there's no point in attacking them.[/hider] Floor Three: [hider=Skeleton Commander]See above.[/hider] [hider=Metal Skeletons]Much more durable than normal skeletons, for obvious reasons, and even more dangerous than skeleton commanders. Either carries metal melee weapons similar to those that skeleton commanders use, or a bow and a quiver filled with arrows.[/hider] [hider=Hellhound]Dark versions of canines, and much larger. In our terms, about the size of a sports car. Has red eyes that leave small trails in the air when they move, and creates a small puff of shadow every time they place a paw on the ground. Very aggressive, and very powerful. You will not find a skeleton and a hellhound in the same room, though, or even two hellhounds in the same room, due to territorial reasons.[/hider] Boss Room: [hider=Reaper]The demon executioner, inside a dark mage's body. His very presence has made his host much more powerful and durable than a normal human body's. The Reaper still has access to the magics the mage used along with his own, and also wields a large two-handed sword with a bright red blade as if it were light as a feather. He can also transform the blade into a large scythe, making it much more dangerous by increasing offense and defense tactics. He also wears black armor with blood-red trim that grants him full mobility and protection. He may occasionally spawn in a small group of skeletons to attack the invaders just to annoy those who chose to invade his lair. He cannot die, but his human host does still get tired, and can get damaged until it can no longer be used. When that happens, he must wait for the body to repair itself, which will take a week at most, but usually only about 4 days.[/hider] [hider=Dark Mages (x5)]Although they lost their free wills to the Reaper, they still have access to their dark arts, and will use them to both defend their master and attack the adventurers. Wears hooded dark robes that reduce the effectiveness of magic spells used against them. Wields a large variety of magics granted to them by the Reaper. They're still only as durable as normal humans, though.[/hider]