Retsu considered the idea that the Silver Jester may be listening in on them. She had hoped that perhaps the trashing Yoshino gave him would have been at least enough to force him from being able to do anything for a short while, but honestly that was just wishful thinking. She still has no idea of the full capabilities of the Silver Jester, and for all she knows her little trick with the chips may not have done anything. But too late to worry about that now. [b]"Don't bother. Just make sure that you don't do something foolish like tip off what our true goal is. As far as Lucy needs to know, you simply want to join ally with the Black Guild for personal or ideological reasons. Perhaps you find some of the other kings to be asses and chose to betray them for that reason. Whatever."[/b] Before Retsu let Michael go, she put a new recording button/suicide bomb onto Michale's shirt. [b]"Now get going. We only have a few hours before the assembly, and there is a lot to do between than and now."[/b]