After finalizing the connections, The Maker decides to approach Darrin one last time. “This is it, my friend. Once I flip this switch,...” “I’ll be over in the actual game, yes, I know.” Darrin intrudes on The Maker’s sentence, “I’m just happy I could help you get those algorithms down in time for the release. Plus, I guess I should thank you for saving me from Death Row. I’m just glad that the only thing that could really kill me now is a severe virus that I can’t fix.” The Maker, sounding hesitant, replies, “Right. A virus. Well, take care!” “Wait!” Noticing his hesitation too late, Darrin is pulled through the network link and into the game. “Dammit!” Darrin screams at the top of his lungs with irritation, and begins to feel light headed. Thankfully, he has learned to manage short rage bursts, and he gets himself under control. He then takes the time to look around, seeing random people staring at him like he was a lunatic. Embarrassed, Darrin storms down a back street paved with rock, and stops at an NPC vendor. The NPC tries to grab his attention, but he tones it out, thinking back on his situation. He knows three things. First, he’s an alpha tester with scarce knowledge on the actual game itself besides the NPCs and the battle system. Second, there is no leaving the game for him what-so-ever. Third, The Maker, who he now dubs as Bob (being as he doesn’t much care for the name), hesitantly replied to Darrin’s mention of death and viruses. He begins to get the feeling that this game may very well become his grave if he isn’t careful. On that note, Darrin rummages through his inventory, checks out his stats, menu selections, etc. After having everything set up he heads back to the center of town to find a generic item shop to spend his meager starting cash on potions and a bow.