Evangeline wasn't really satisfied with Azrael. He was dodging her questions on purpose, and in turn that made her a little frustrated. He had proceeded to ask her questions about who she was, if she knew the current king. It was all an act to distract her from the real conversation at hand. The girl sighed in mock defeat and flopped down onto her bed, stomach first.[i]"If it is not money that you want, then what is it, Azrael?"[/i] she asked softly, kicking her legs up. It allowed her dress to flick inside out dangerously high up the backs of her legs. [i]"You've no idea how many men lust after my company and my body....Is that what you want?"[/i] Evangeline ran her tongue along her left index finger and trailed it down her lips, down her neck. It stopped at her collarbone. If he was what she thought he was, then he would be growing steadily tempted. Suddenly, without warning, the girl whipped out a knife from under her dress. It had been tucked under her garter belt the whole time. Of course she had no idea how to use such a thing, but she pretended like she did. The princess held the knife's tip at her neck. [i]"Or is it that you're thirsty? Thirsty for the blood that runs under my skin?"[/i] Evangeline then sat herself up, legs tucked underneath her body as she did so. She continued to hold the knife to her neck. [i]"Vampires...they like blood, don't they?"[/i] Evangeline tilted her head to the side and held up her left arm beside her, exposing her pale forearm to the man. With great courage, the young woman brought the knife to her forearm and pressed the blade against her delicate skin. The blade broke the skin almost immediately and she grimaced in pain as she felt the blood trickle down her arm. This was all an act to see if he would be honest with her. If it didn't work, she wasn't sure what she was going to do with herself.