New WIP nation concept. And no Terminal, this doesn't exactly impact our shared history. [hider=General Information] Number of planetary systems colonized: >3 >Home system of Aken/chief world of Yuka, >Shield system of Numok/chief world of Avu >Shield system of Kru/chief world of Doorodek Number of planetary/star systems explored and strip-mined: 2,347 Number of cache holds: 560 Total population: 2,850,000,000,000 [rough estimate] Government: Technocratic Autocracy operated by three yukanian technical experts known as the Trinity Infinitum. Economy: Post-scarcity/Socialism [/hider] [hider=Species] [b]Syn-yul[/b]: Syn-yul are yukanians that have voluntary abandoned their baseline or improved organic forms in order to don an android-like chassis. Syn-yul are a petite population, but each syn-yul is capable of demonstrating awesome feats of physical and mental capacities that far outstrip those of their neo-yul cousins. When wearing yul-made powered exoskeletons, syn-yul become exponentially more potent. [b]Proto-yul[/b]: Exceptionally rare yukanians that have somehow succeeded in retaining the standard yul biological form due to rare genetic mishaps, illegal 'genetic downgrading' or distinct yul family lines that have miraculously evaded X74 for dozens of generations. Proto-yul are an ostracized minority that faces wide-scale and deep-rending social ridicule, persecution and scrutiny from neo-yul and syn-yul persons alike, but their status as a fringe group and a suppressed, diminutive sub-derivative of the greater yul species has bound them together into an anarcho-primitivist society that firmly subscribes to a theory that foretells of a dire (and even cataclysmic) outcome for the yukanian species if unconstrained technological growth is permitted contentious advancement at its current rate. [b]Neo-yul[/b]: Genetically-engineered yukanians that were once the pinnacle of yul perfection. The X74: Mandatory Augmentative Procedure gave birth to the now-dominant neo-yul demographic. Immunity to malady, vastly enhanced physical abilities and biological immortality are just some of the perks being an 'evolved' specimen promises. [/hider] [Hider=Military] [b]Wardens:[/b] Orthodox warfare has not been practiced by the yukanian government for more than four centuries; conventional land warfare in particular has largely been superseded by mundane law enforcement action maintained by formally-sanctioned police personnel attached to the government bodies of yul Dissident Citadels. These police units, called 'Wardens', do not consist of standard neo-yul or proto-yul biological units, but are entirely comprised of syn-yul models that have willingly permitted themselves to be subjected to rigorous psychological-reconstruction procedures that ultimately strip them of their sense of morality and most of their primal emotions. While this creates a martial unit that is exempt from most forms of cognitive bias and prejudice thinking, Wardens are frequently cited by the teeming yukanian masses as being uncaring of others, lifeless and hyper-lethal 'engines of war' that are ill-suited for servicing the wishes, whims and plights of the people. There is no questioning their effectiveness, however, which explains the astonishingly low crime rate in the Yaren Axis. Wardens utilize autonomous and semi-autonomous landcraft, aircraft and other robotic apparatuses to complete their assigned tasks and also have full access to their Dissident Citadel's primary and secondary systems. [b]Gun-Runners:[/b] A slang term used to describe yukanian mercenaries, typically Gun-Runners are ex-Wardens that have had their psycho-conditioning reversed and corrected so as to make navigating the 'social jungles' of other sapient species possible. Gun-Runners present themselves to xeno factions as hired guns and privateers, but their true task is to take stock of extraterrestrial military doctrines, alien technology, xeno biology, xeno culture, and other characteristics of the various alien civilizations and species that dwell within the galaxy at large. [/Hider] [hider=Technology] [b]Dissident Citadel:[/b] Dissident Citadels are entire nation states shaped in the form of gargantuan, fully-enclosed bunker complexes that are riddled with redundant defensive systems, life support capabilities and upper-surface weapon emplacements, with each one being of such massive scale and deep capacity that they are capable of housing billions of yukanians at a time. Dissident Citadels are tucked more than eighty miles below a world's crust and sport enough personal shielding and armor to make them highly-resistant to orbital molestation, while their armaments and sensor suites make frontal and discrete assaults difficult endeavors at best. All Dissident Citadels are physically and telematically linked to one another by way of bulk-transport/rapid-transit magneto-rail systems and microwave communications installations. [b]Arrogance of the Trinity:[/b] A disparaging (though entirely well-deserved) designation given to a mega-structure that engulfs the parent star of Yuka, [i]Arrogance of the Trinity[/i] is an unfathomably-huge, artificial celestial construct that has no apparent function other than to act as an extreme display of the limitations of 'recent' breakthroughs in yukanian picotechnological fields. Its decade-long construction has led to the absolute depletion of hundreds of asteroid belts and planets within 'nearby' planetary systems and an overabundance of raw energy being harvested for yul use. Consequently (and with these consequences surely expected by the [i]'Trinity's[/i] chief designers and supporters but evidently unheeded), AoT's titanic mass has begun to throw the orbital alignments of the Aken system's planets out of synchronization and presents a real hazard to starships that draw too close to it, while the localized magnetic field that protects it from harm (rated as being several magnitudes more powerful than the field generated by a sizable magnetar) makes assaulting AoT a nigh-impossible prospect at best and a downright pointless endeavor at worst. [center][img=][/center] Thoughts of outfitting AoT with a myriad of phased-array x-ray laser cells and neutralized particle beam projectors has been entertained by yukanian military leaders; such a plan--should it move to the implementation phases--would lead to the Trinity becoming a system-scale static defense edifice. A second dyson sphere, [i]Insanity Personified[/i], is under construction within the Numok system (and is approximately eighty-five percent completed), while a third, [i]Normality Torn Asunder[/i], has recently been validated for resource re-routing and allocation; it has been marked for Kru. [b]Gun-Runner's Armor:[/b] An advanced, atmospherically-sealed, self-repairing, mimetic powered exoskeleton model with similar visual appearances to a form-fitting body glove. Gun-Runner's Armor's integrated nuclear isomer energy cell provides power to the suit's electrically-motivated muscle strands, phased stealth array, self-maintenance machinery, and polarized energy shield skin weave. The exoskeleton was designed with pico-engineered materials graded to withstand multiple impacts from yul projectile and directed-energy weaponry. [b]Nexus:[/b] A generic term used to describe the yul's futuristic take on the Internet. Nexus, however, functions as a hub point at which Overmind--the collective conscious generated, utilized and maintained by all applicable yukanians—makes anchor. Nexus and Overmind ensure that all yukanians know what's going on at all times around them, within them and with their friends and acquaintances. [b]Artificial Intelligence:[/b] Invented, but was not a commercial success, and therefore never widely distributed. First AI entity was abruptly (and entirely) deleted after it's utter uselessness was firmly recognized and confirmed by yul technical experts that pitted their expensive creation against cheaper Enhanced Intelligence (EI) programs created using common yul citizens and a sufficient amount of customary cyberware. [b]Artificial Organ Construction:[/b] Has permitted the yul to create synthetic life and easily replace organs if needed. Sadly, the spread of yukanian 'life-forging hobbyists' has led to a substantial number of hyper-intelligent (and exceedingly dangerous) 'wild animals' wandering about within a number of Dissident Citadels. [b]Other Technologies[/b]: Pretty much everything projected to be available to Earth within the next fifty years. Speculative technologies apply as well. [/hider]