[center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/72840-a-knight-tale/ooc]Interest Check[/url][/center] [center][img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/860144-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Since the dawn of creation, it has widely been accepted as fact that all things were brought about by the will of the Dytenziextity. Although many kingdoms and regions practice their own religions and cultures, all of them reference the Dytenziextity was being the progenitor of those very same concepts and ideals.[/center] [center]It is said that the Dytenziextity is the mightiest of all gods, fabricating all of reality and much more. As such, all magic in the world is stated to be after thoughts, echoes, and even pieces of the Dytenziextity's supreme influence.[/center] [center]No kingdom recognizes this more so than the land of Crescentia. As one of the leading political powers in the world, Crescentia is a place where nobles bred for justice and equality thrive in their green lands and thriving towns. Out of the four neighboring nations that encompass the world as a whole, Crescentia is to be considered the largest and most vibrant, seeking to end injustice in the eyes of their rulers.[/center] [center]For years the kingdom of Crescentia has lived in relative peace with little strife, having seen little bloodshed since the Great Wars: a series of religious crusades to determine which nation was the true voice of the Dytenziextity. Indeed, the most unsettling news brought about to the people’s awareness is minor skirmishes and the like from neighboring countries.[/center] [center]However, there are stirrings that threaten to overthrow the regime of peace and stability.[/center] [center]There are reports of a deadly assassin known only as the “Red-Eyed Ghost” traveling the nation, slaying those of great power and status. Their next target: the Princess of Crescentia herself. Unfortunately, the infamous “Red-Eyed Ghost” is promptly captured and tossed in jail, having being revealed of two things.[/center] [center]Ordinarily, the punishment of such deeds would be carried out by public execution; however, the noble Princess tries a much different, more controversial method.[/center] [center]One day, in visiting the killer of many, the Princess offers to be both their friend and their mentor. At first hesitant and bitter, the knight soon finds comfort in the royal's actions, explaining that a conquering warlord not only vanquished their own kingdom, but also sent them to kill the Princess of Crescentia as well.[/center] [center]As time passes, the “Red-Eyed Ghost” finds themselves opening up more and more to the Princess, even to the point of fondly having affections for the royal. Although they know it would be against all laws of the mortal world to do so, they soon yearn for the Prince/Princess and soon swear loyalty only to them.[/center] [center]Meanwhile, dark forces gather at the edge of Crescentia and news of the approaching warlord spread rampant like wild fire.[/center] [hider=CS]Appearance: Name: Age: Personality: History: Weapons: Abilities: Other:[/hider]