WIP, for consideration. Vicious scavengers [hider=Children of Gurt’yn] General Galactic Location: Various locations, concentrated around the deep space edge of the South-East Galactic Arm History: The Shydon’zo are a nomadic race, forced off of their original home Gurt’yn after it was heavily irradiated and utterly decimated due to severe internal conflict between it’s various warring factions. Their world is a cold but large planetoid covered in large methane oceans and riddled with highly poisonous compounds lethal to most organisms. They come in many shapes and sizes, with larger specimens heavy with muscle and sporting large head crests. This environment led to the life on this world being entirely methane breathing, using due solvent vascular systems to undergo biological, life sustaining chemical reactions. An unfortunate side effect of this evolutionary path is that life is extremely difficult to maintain, and has resulted in the adaptation of highly aggressive (and thus competitive) ecosystems that favored extremely durable phenotypes. Shydon are tough to kill. They can survive heavy physical trauma, high radiation environments and breed with unnatural speed. It was not long before the planet was crowded, and arm races began to try and give other Shydon an advantage over their neighbor nations. Technological leaps were made on an almost yearly basis, until they declared war and brought about Armageddon on their planet, the survivors following their leaders into flotillas and leaving the battle torn system in various directions. Filled with a drive for survival above all else, they roam their local space, destroying and waging war with other species they encounter almost as often as their much hated brethren in other Guild. Though not all Shydon are the same, diplomacy is difficult, and often ends in a declaration of war in some kind. Other: They must wear survival apparatus in what most species would consider livable atmospheres, and their suits are highly pressurized and pumped with methane. Shooting one is often extremely messy and fun, if you can pierce the thick armor. Individuals Name: Poit’ill”Trezn, Guild of the Tsuir-Bane’s Chieftain Appearance: Standing at almost 12 feet tall, he is massive, even by Shydon standards. His crest is snapped off to the left side, and his face is heavily scared, missing an entire jaw plate and eye. His armor is ornate and finely crafted, with skulls of other Shydon (and even other unknown sentients) chained together around his waist History: Trezn is head of the largest Shydon war band known, with 122 ships pledging loyalty to him. He inherited the fleet from his father, Kious the Blood Wrought, when charged with treason and forced to fight him to the death to prove his honor. Instead of dying with his pride intact, however, Trezn disemboweled Kous, and ripped his father’s throat out using his teeth, killing him, and gaining all his possessions. Trezn is an unusually brilliant naval tactician, and keeps most of the other Guilds in line, from fear of destruction or enslavement. Name: Tiuyo the Nameless, Leader of the Lesser Born Rebellion Appearance: Short and malnourished at 6 feet tall like other slaves, she is quite thin and lean. Her face is branded with the Mark of the Lesser Born, and has two teeth missing in her upper left jaw plates. Seeing as how her crest has no longer been trimmed regularly, it has begun to spread out again, though is warped and brittle from years of abuse. History: Born into slavery, Tiuyo rebelled against her masters and assembled a guerilla faction that hijacked several ships from the Guild of the Forgotten Sword. Other Lesser Born soon followed suit, and dared to fight, suffering heavy casualties but hijacking more ships. Now commanding the Soul Free Fleet, a 21-strong sovereign society, they avoid the other Guilds tracking and killing patrols, trying to find a way to live freely and independently.[/hider]