@Darcs: Okay, there's still some other issues I have after some thought. I honestly don't see the point in making her half-Nem. ^^; It's just that, well, you made her part Nem and then don't really give her any traits of them? Aside from black hair and being lightly built but those aren't exactly unique to Nem. And I'm still kind of unsure of random effects like that, but I'm having trouble making a decision there given I don't know exactly what you'd be going for. I think I'd prefer a less chance-based form of magic. I'm sorry for making this many more requests after you've been cooperative so far. @Lugubrious: The dungeon looks cool(tree dungeons are awesome really) but I have some questions. Since there's definitely no Jungles in Velt, I assume they'd be heading South to reach this place? Also what is your idea for the Biomancer guild? @Lord Santa: Hmm. I am worried about there being some overlap that's too direct, in this case. Maybe work on him playing off of our dwarf rather than overlapping too much? @NobleArchangel: Okay, I'm going to ask something of you as a general thing to High Elf players. It's not a negative point on your bio or anything, it's more just since most High Elf settlements are beyond the Veil of Tears in the far west I think it would be a good idea to get some backstory explanation. There's some on this side of the Veil(which will get an entry once I decide more beyond its elvish name being Lethienvel), but they're few and far between and likely more hidden. Basically, for High Elves I'd like a bit of explanation on their backstory. It's not required but I recommend it. Your bio looks fine, though. @ThePatriarch: I'll look at this bio when it's completed. @Scarifar: I like the base idea(thought it reminds me I should get some stuff up about undead), but I'm a little sketchy in involving another dimension entirely in this case. There are some pretty terrible things in deep places of the world, so it could be something potentially called from there? @Raineh Daze: Accepted.