[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] The shorter boy followed along quietly, wishing that he had found a way to actually sneak a meal up to Katherin. He could still check on her later, though. He might check before going to bed...oh, what if she was asleep by then, though? He wouldn't want to bother her then. Perhaps he could just get up early the next morning. The bandages would probably need to be checked, anyway. [/quote] Liz lead Kido to her dorm room. She hesitated at the door. She didn't know therules regarding visitors. But she knew that he had visited Katherin. And thst had gone alright so she opened her door to her room. She went to the desk and picked up the paper where she had been trying to make a list of rules. "It isn't much. But it's a staring point." She said handing him the short list. 1. Don't be late 2. Don't miss class 3. Don't touch others 4. Adminstration can and will change its mind. 5.