[quote=Dinh AaronMk] Only one. And if you could write more, that's be appreciated.Not to mention no one likes the Enclave anymore. They're widely known as being genocidal and no matter their shift in policies any faction in the NCR is very likely to knock them out. Being affiliated with the Enclave or its goals of American reunification is likely to not make you very popular and lacking proper support (the world is two-hundred years removed from the concept of America and it's not going to be a very strong popular claim anymore). So you could certainly try, but Hub police are going to be busting down some doors and pulling you off to court.I'd rather not since the races involved in the Fallout world have pretty much remained consistent and it'd be weird to have to try and fit in something else. Not to mention I don't usually have good opinion or experience with non-conventional races in the first place. Fallout's races have the benefit of them being very well defined since the game came out and introduced the current core ones since the 90's (humans, ghouls, and super-mutants). Anything new that gets added tend to be more monsters than anything with a social structure akin to humans (Deathclaws*, Yao-quai, Tunnelers).*There were Inteligent Deathclaws that have appeared in FO2, but they were presented as a super-minority of sort and I don't imagine would have branched out of the Vault the Enclave assigned them to guard or got assimilated well into existing communities. In all likelihood they would have been mixed in with the glorified retirement communities of The Master's army outside the reach of NCR. [/quote] I'd love to write more however knowledge of the enclave after the oil rig and at raven rock not much is known so I'm unsure what to write as for the police in the Hub NCR is very corrupt and with the secret backings of the enclave I'm sure the people could take them on as for support there were at least 6 old enclave in New Vegas what's to say there aren't more in NCR core territories some may have had families and kept the ideal alive if only in secret.