[quote]I'd love to write more however knowledge of the enclave after the oil rig and at raven rock not much is known[/quote] Make it up as long as it makes sense. Or go with something other than Enclave, since it should be all but wiped out in the west anyway. [quote]as for the police in the Hub NCR is very corrupt and with the secret backings of the enclave I'm sure the people could take them on[/quote] Wut. The Hub police at this point is not nearly as corrupt. And even if it were as corrupt as it used to be back in the early days, it wouldn't matter. Corrupt or not, Enclave sympathizers would not be tolerated. A corrupt Hub cop is just as likely to take your head off for aiding the Enclave. The Enclave doesn't even have a backing. They looked out entirely for their own, slaughtering everyone else and treating them like subhuman trash. Needless to say, no-one thought they were good guys, not even the most patriotic people. It's not like the common wastelander would have any real understanding of Old America, anyway, so there wouldn't be many people trying to "bring the old America back". Literally everyone hated them and with good reason. The Enclave threatened them with genocide and went to war with everyone from the NCR, to the Brotherhood of Steel. Anyone claiming to support them would either be considered crazy, or be subject to serious punishment. Or both. As for being able to take them on.. uh.. no. No, they wouldn't. The Hub is not the tiny settlement it used to be. It's a rich settlement of [s]hundreds[/s] tens of thousands with its own professional police force. And corruption has decreased since its annexation by the NCR. This is without bringing into account the whole of the NCR, and it's huge military. This isn't just me saying it. This is what is written down in canon. Shady Sands is described as a city of [s]hundreds[/s] tens of thousands -- The Hub is described as bigger than Shady Sands and Junktown put together. [quote]as for support there were at least 6 old enclave in New Vegas what's to say there aren't more in NCR core territories some may have had families and kept the ideal alive if only in secret.[/quote] The NCR and Brotherhood of Steel, among others, hunted down Enclave members to the point where they had to go into hiding. Those that survived the wars live new lives, with their old life being a very closely-guarded secret. Revealing their true identities would guarantee their execution. Given former members would be in hiding and would probably refuse to tell anyone of their past for fear of being reported to the authorities, it is almost unthinkable for a sizable group of former Enclave soldiers to come out of the woodwork and form an alliance. It'd be hard just [i]finding[/i] each other. And even if they somehow did come across each other, they'd have to reveal their pasts to each other, which makes it even less likely to happen. Now, this series of unlikelihood needs to happen several dozen times, maybe hundreds of times, for any sizable group to be formed. That makes the chances almost impossible. On top of that, these people would have to form their group in absolute secret, and if at any point they are even suspected to be Enclave, their whole world comes crashing down when the NCR comes to hunt them all down. Not to mention these people would be lacking the resources to really get anything going.