[quote=VitaVitaAR] @Exodus: Going to give you some time to find pictures, but the bio seems mostly fine. I do have a question, though, why is he called a Warlord? It's a little misleading, I'd go with something like "Tower Warrior" because of his shield.@TheRider: Okay, um, there's some things here now that I've got more time to think out my response.I'd really have liked if you discussed vampires with me beforehand, I do want everyone intending to bring in a new race to do so. Shadow manipulation is also rather vague, and while I said backstory is optional I'd like to know what this promise he made is.@NobleArchangel: Okay, most of it is fine but there's one glaring thing that I am sorry is not yet in the first post. High Elves probably do not fight one another due to the origins of the Veil of Tears. At the very least High Elves beyond the Veil don't.I'm sorry, I'll be getting up an entry on why very soon. [/quote] Alright, I was drawing inspiration from the Ayleids from the Elder Scrolls. A lot of times the Ayleid city states would fight amongst themselves. I have nothing to go by in terms of lore so that is what I fell back on.