[hider=Princess Titania of Crescentia]Appearance:[img=http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii288/LovelyPrincessWhiteRose/Graphics%20and%20project%20bases/princess10.jpg] Name: Princess Titania of Crescentia Age: 20 Personality: The princess is known to have two faces. One is shown to her people. She is kind, compassionate, and warm. Titania shakes hands, smiles, and laughs all on cue. In private and among her nurses and advisors, however, her true colors are revealed. She is cold, condescending, and downright rude. Her impatience drives her to snappiness, and the princess has been known to be stubborn and inflexible, making her a workaholic. Despite this, she is one to sit back and let things unfold before her. Whispers throughout the castle suggest that she is manipulative and a sadist, though in reality she is insecure about missing out on what’s going on. Nevertheless, those close to her see her as a villain, and they are not entirely far off, though not entirely on target either. History: Titania grew up a product of her parents’ close supervision, and so she learned to lie and keep up two faces early on. She bent to her parents’ will while in their presence, but snapped right back to herself right after. The two personas diverged more and more as time went on, and reached a peak when her mother died of sickness during her periodical trek of the kingdom and her father retreated to the country house to age gracefully, leaving Titania in charge. She filled the role immediately and with gusto, ordering her employees around without hesitation. Some time after she assumed sole control of her kingdom, she married a rich noble to appease her people and reignite support for her regime (though both of them acknowledge that they don’t love or even like each other). Weapons: Her lies, her wit, and her cold words cut deeper mentally than any wounds she could hope to inflict with a sword (aside from by pure chance). Abilities: Titania is especially skilled in the fine art of maintaining multiple personas, as well as forcing people to bend to her will and do it quickly. She knows exactly what to do to control and manage her people, and which actions will merit which reactions. However, she’s not good at relating to people empathetically one-on-one and is not very confident in herself anymore, as she finds great anguish in not being about to tell which is her true self and feels quite guilty in her deceit, albeit secretly. Other: Her husband’s name is Cedric.[/hider]