Santa Claus... meets Inception... meets Alien... because that's something Doctor Who needed. [hider=SRSLY THO]What sort of fucked up writer thinks to himself "Hmm, I have the most terrifying idea for an alien that I've come up with since the Weeping Angels. You know when the best time to use these would be? Christmas." [i]Seriously what the fuck.[/i] Disclaimer: Despite the tone of this rant, though, I did really like this episode. ALSO the fucking Christmas crackers... too much. D,: I mean... he grabbed her hand, the same way she grabbed his hand... back when he... in the... with the thing... and... and...! [img][/img] But OH MY GOD the very very end though. That was like... woah. Now [i]that's[/i] a Christmas present. I mean... Moffat had been saying for so long now that Clara would be leaving after the Christmas special, so like... when he offered to have her back on the TARDIS again at the end I sort of had that exact same reaction to that moment in Day of the Doctor when Eleven was all like "hey let's just [i]not[/i] destroy Gallifrey" where I was all like "...Wait what really? This is happening? [i]What?[/i]" and then sure enough they confirmed it at the end saying that Clara would be back next season. Ooooohhhhh my god. The fact that such a Christmas surprise could have even been given in this Internet age just amazes me and I'm so glad it happened. :D [/hider]