Alice’s face fell when Melissa reminded her of the fact that she’d basically robbed her of any life goal or purpose. What a mess she’d made. Besides that, an extremely powerful man had declared war on her country. What had he said? Hail pig dragon? Hail big dragging? Hail…? Oh, nevermind! When she was brought to her feet, the blonde struggled to find her equilibrium, but she didn’t fall. Well, not literally. Metaphorically, though, she fell and fell and fell. Into what? Well, into the darkness of reality. The reality of knowing that she’d single-handedly unleashed the wrath of an unknown threat, freed a possible con artist, and realize her own unholiness. And woe befell her, because she found in herself something bubbling up. What was it? Freedom, rebellion? No longer was she chained to the restricted life she’d led before. In a perfect storm, she found reason to smile, and be joyous despite her dire fate which certainly entailed untimely death whether in body or in soul. Melissa’s words brought her out of her thoughts, though not unpleasantly. “I don’t know. I’m not thinking straight today.” A beat. “But maybe that’s a good thing. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” She smiled with a little too much of her gums showing, but it was at least real. It was more beautiful than her perfect ones because her eyes did too, and the happiness bubbling in her stomach went untamed. “Would you allow me to court you?”