[i] “Would you allow me to court you?”[/i] Er….what? Melissa remained silent, watching Alice with a reassuring smile. It was quite obvious that the princess was still recovering from any lingering wisps of the fear magic. Very soon, she would revoke her statement and apologize for the slip up. Right? It was all a ruse. Right? Er….right? Melissa waited. And waited. Waited some more. After thirty seconds she panicked. And after a minute, she widened her eyes in dread. “Oh…you want to….oh.” Her cheeks became the same pigment as her single seen eye, red and dark and rosy. So Alice actually did like her in that way? And she wanted to… “C-Court me? You’re…really s-serious about this, aren’t you, your Highness?” Melissa fiddled around with the stuffed arms of Miranda. To be fair, it wasn’t like anyone else had a sight for her, especially given her physical appearance and behavior. Sure, Alice had cleaned her up just fine, but frankly, soap and water are no substitute for a lost eye. “Oh what the hell! I mean, I guess I…k-kinda like you too?” She looked down and hid her face with her hands, as if that act alone would somehow erase the blush. “I’m sure it’s all good in the eyes of the Dytenziextity,” she mumbled through her hands. The Dytenziextity…wait a minute! Melissa looked up at her new friend-lover?-with a worried gaze. “I forgot! The Masked Man said there would be war against you and the Ultimatum. Alice, I’m afraid I’ve brought more trouble to your nation.” Clenching Miranda tighter to her chest, she leaned back into Alice’s grip. She didn’t mean to, but it seemed to most appropriate way to inform her princess of the danger ahead. Or at least, that’s what she told herself. “The Ultimatum is a massive kingdom that wasn’t heard of until recently,” Melissa explained. “Their leader, Yggdrasil, is trying to conquer…well, everything. Apparently he thinks he’s doing it all for the Dytenziextity’s will or some crap like that.”