Notice me, winter-senpai! Name: Claire Arias Age: 16 Gender: Female Gift: Cryomancer - The ability to form ice and manipulate it. Claire often manifests her power into a spear to defend herself. Appearance: [hider=Picture][url=][img][/img][/url][/hider] Bio: Claire is the "smart cookie" of three sisters and was born at the same time as her twin sister Desiree. Academics is her strongest point and often finds herself competing for the number one spot in class. Nothing else feels more satisfying to her than being on top after all. She's also an avid gamer in her free time, her favorite genre being Strategy or anything involving tactics and thinking. Whenever angry or challenged, she lets it build internally and converts it into a quiet determination to savagely beat down her competition in the most humiliating way possible. The view or lament of her broken rival crumpled by defeat satisfies the darker and sadistic side of her otherwise serene and calm personality. However, she doesn't rub it in and quickly follows up with a display of good sportsmanship and encouragement. She often uses the online alias "Conquex" and does not intend to become a professional gamer. Although she may look cold and unapproachable, Claire is kind and is great at reading other people. She is also self-driven and motivated to take on any challenges to come her way. Her other hobbies include free writing, reading, watching anime, and having deep discussions with strangers. Also enjoys a hot cup of tea. Claire is inclined towards order and is partial to the Good side. --- Name: Desiree "Dez" Arias Age: 16 Gender: Female Gift: Charm - Desiree tends to get what she wants through using her voice and using her assets (if necessary). She may also empower others through her words. Appearance: [hider=Picture][url=][img][/img][/url][/hider] Bio: Contrary to Claire's quieter personality, Desiree possesses a cheery personality that's also rather contagious to those around her. She also has a tendency to get whatever she wants thanks to her gift. Out of the two sisters, Desiree is more sociable and charismatic. Her character flaw is selfishness as she tends to use others to satisfy her materialistic wants. [i]"It's not bad Claire, it's like you using your resources to win your games. It's like RTS in real life, you should try it sometime~!"[/i] Claire often opposes her manipulation, seeing it as it deprives people of their free will. However, she'll be preoccupied with the Academy and Desiree may just be able to flex her power freely and in a more subtle manner. Neutral