A stocking full of candy and bill tong (Mmmmm... Bill tong) $110 in steam cards $430 in cash A Dalek Alarm Clock A new Bowtie Two Think Geek Shirts A Mug that says "Meh" Lightsaber Chopsticks Pokemon Aqua Sapphire Fire Emblem Awakening Spare 3DS stylus pack 2 Spare Ipod Headphones Minecraft Pickaxe and Sword So much socks and underwear that my drawers barely hold it all Some Jeans Two Fancy Shirts for 'Formal but not quite wedding or funeral formal' events (So basically never) And then Dragon Age Inquisition and Civ Beyond Earth, which I got a month in advance because early online sales. I don't think I'm forgetting anything. :/ [b]Edit:[/b] I did. Gloves that apparently work with touch screens. And a wallet, but I have to return it because it's combination of using an all around zipper, no bus pas slot and being scanner proof makes it so getting on and off buses with my Presto Card would get slowed down a ton. Which I feel bad doing, it's a nice wallet and I do like it. But as long as I'm bus dependent and not driving it would just slow down lines and other people too much.