[i]"Who let you in? Only people I allow can come to my grandchild's room; get out now."[/i] "Oh? Dear me, but isn't that just a bit presumptuous?" Spencer asked with that same, knowing smile o his face. "For starters, you're assuming I'm here to see your measly granddaughter, when clearly that's the farthest thing from reality right now! Furthermore, this is a hospital. Meaning, it's a public setting. Meaning, you have no power to kick me out even if you wanted to. And lastly, your granddaughter is frankly a little bitch." Spencer tipped his fedora and stared at Mr. Ravenwood, challenging him to make a move. He dared him to lash out, dared him to give him a reason to call the cops and drag him out forever. "I'm here for my nephew. You see, this is a family matter. So [i][b]butt out[/i][/b], " he warned darkly.