((I'm hoping this draws enough interest. had the idea after seeing something somewhat similiar on youtube)) The multiverse theory states that there are an infinite number of parallel universes in the multiverse, some are alike save for a tiny detail that caused a cascade of differences. Others are so different from the world we know that they are nearly unrecognizable. But on many of the worlds the balance is the same. Good vs Evil. Heroes vs Villains. Light vs Dark. Contact between these parallel worlds is somewhat uncommon. Mostly heroes and villains find themselves on parallel worlds through accident. But now a new threat has emerged from the darkest pit in the multiverse. Worlds are being left in ruin across the multiverse leaving no survivors. Bodies of both heroes and villains litter these parallel worlds. Reality after reality has fallen to this seemingly unstoppable force leaving nothing but ruin. If enough people show interest I'll throw up an OOC and a CS template.