Lost. That was something that the Decepticons communications officer never thought he'd be. After all, with all his advanced sensors and tracking devices, he could pinpoint his exact location at any given time. He also could track any cybertronian life-signal within a planet-wide range, unless they were sufficiently hidden. However, right now none of his sensors were working right. It just didn't make sense. Even when he was trapped in the Shadowzone he could still track the outside world. But now, all his sensors were completely confused. His connection to the humans 'world wide web' was lost, as was his hacks into their telephone and other types of communications networks. Of course, this was slightly less of a problem then where he was physically. Standing up, the cybertronian was rather large compared the street he found himself on. This probably meant he was somewhere on Earth. Which was odd, considering he had been on the Decepticon's warship, [i]The Nemesis[/i] only moments before. Remembering his predicament, he immediately scanned for any life. He could detect numerous humans and other organic creatures. Looking down at the trash across the street, he quickly reached out to grab it. He succeeded, and the rat he had been looking for fell onto his outstretched hand. Rather then falling through him, like it would do in the Shadowzone, it landed with a small squeak. They both stared at each other before the small rodent jumped off and ran away. With his suspicion confirmed, the Decepticon spy moved down his list of checks. After a few minutes of testing, Soundwave found he was mostly functional, with only a couple noticeable discrepancies. His vital signs were all green, as was the power to his sensors. The only issues were that he couldn't connect to his communications network (which must mean that he had to be in a new world of some kind, or someone was jamming him), and his personal Ground bridge was damaged. It seemed only to be able to transport items up to about 50 miles around him. Nowhere near the previous ability of being able to transport anything anywhere on the planet. It also seemed to have a limited use before it ran out of power, which meant he would have to use it wisely. It could recharge, but that would take too long and made it useless if he needed it for continuous fighting. He also checked on Laserbeak, but found no discrepancies. With his checks complete, the Decepticon spymaster moved out of the back alley. He transformed into his spy-drone form and took off vertically. He flew above the buildings at a high speed, his engines rattling some of the windows as he passed. However, a warning alarm started to go off, and he was forced to make a rather rough land in a nearby park. Dirt and chunks of grass were thrown up as he skidded to a halt a few meters away from his original landing spot. It seemed that being in his alternate form would consume energy more then his humanoid form. Not knowing if there was any Energon in this new world he had decided to be rather frugal with his energy consumption. Another issue was that he was mildly worried about being detected by the local human law enforcement or military as he showed his true form. However, as he looked around, he noticed that there were only a few people in the park. It appeared that most of them were leaving, probably due to his presence.