Bah, forget this voting thing. Let Adamantium Wolf choose. A GM, DM, thread master or whatever you want to call them, has to be interested in the plotline to propel it forwards from scene to scene. If the GM gets stuck with a plotline they aren't fond of things often go sour quickly. As for an undead plague. I'm not adverse. However, three days isn't much of a worry for a magical plague. That leaves plenty of time to consecrate, the remains incinerate them or otherwise take preventative measures. For something of this nature to be effective it would have to be quick, perhaps within minutes so that a fallen foe or ally in the midst of combat becomes something you need to keep an eye on. You'd also have to determine how such things are killed. Traditionally in fantasy you have to hack the zombie or skeleton apart. "Shoot them in the head" is a very modern invention and a mere thrust to the brain isn't necessarily as effective on magical versions. After all, skeletons have hollow skulls!