[quote=NobleArchangel] To the regards of weapons, why does he need so many? For his character, what particular weapon type would he wield? [/quote] I built Jon around the concept of a guy who has a bunch of weapons, but I had a reason for having so many. The broadsword is a very versatile sword, capable of a lot of different things. The scimitar is lighter and faster than the broadsword and can be used for different things. I also figured Jon could switch it up so he could dual wield a scimitar and a broadsword or something. The retractable poleaxe functions like a normal axe when not a poleaxe. Axes are useful for when heavier cutting blows are needed. It can transform into a poleaxe to add range. Then the mace is for heavily armoured dudes because its weight allows it to basically ignore armour. The shield is, obviously, to block attacks. So Jon doesn't wield a particular weapon because no one weapon is useful for all situations. The reason he's foraging in the dungeon is to find the one perfect weapon, but he makes do by carrying a lot of different weapons to suit his situations as needed.