The small collection of them, perhaps seventy at most, passed around more emotions that a bride on her wedding day. Children bubbled loudly with excitement and joy, apprehension and fear, anxiety and annoyance. It would rub off on them all before they passed out of the entrance hall they stood in. The ceiling and rooms he could see were all bigger than he expected, vast heights stretching far beyond what he'd expected or pictured in his mind. He'd pictured something as grand as the Locksley manor they'd visited nearly every summer for the first few years after his father had been escorted off to Azkaban. Whilst George's mind sped back towards the one thing he was afraid of, his stomach knotted and twisted. So far no one seemed to care.. Had everyone forgotten? He assumed so. Glancing around, George looked over the faces of the students nearby, all of which had paired up at least with another person, looking about and babbling amoung themselves. Thankfully, the witch and teacher pulled them all from their daydreams. George stumbled behind Sadie and their new friend, although it was someone George hadn't spoken to yet. He would relax once he knew where he was going. He'd heard far too many 'complimentary' remarks from family during his years before Hogwarts. The last thing he needed was to grow up the polar opposite to his brother, who seemed so intent on hiding in the dark, pouring over text books laced with markings and runes he'd never seen before. However, despite his brother's rather strange personality and tendencies, the boy was Ravenclaw, it didn't matter what happened to him now. No one would assume he'd turn into the same murderer their father had been or perhaps still was. The group soon pushed forwards towards the two large doors, opening and pushing them into a hall bigger than he'd ever imagined. Taller ceilings and a huge open and amazing sight above him. He'd never seen an enchanted ceiling before. Enchanted fires were commonplace, his own living room was enchanted, just to make the fire a brighter orange. Yet the Hogwarts ceiling seemed other worldly. It was so vivid, more so than the sky he'd ever seen in London. Most of that was clouds and even in the hills in Devon, he'd seen nothing compared to the sky that lingered within their own school; home would be a better word here. George turned his eyes down to look down at Sadie and Seine. He was more interested to see the reaction of his muggleborn friend, how she'd been so thrilled at Exploding Snap earlier. He smiled a little and stopped beside her, taking a brief second to look around the room once more. He couldn't see his brother straight away, although he gathered he'd be sat before the table clothed in blue and silver. It was when the famous Sorting Hat began to sing and read the poetry his brother told him it spent all year writing that George turned his eyes back to the front. So long as he wasn't wearing Green for the next seven years, he was happy. [i]Oh you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil; Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap![/i] George smiled again, glancing around and making a half-arse attempt at clapping. He gave a short laugh at Sadie and nodded. "It's the Sorting Hat-" He paused as the first name was called, flinching as he seemed to imagine himself up first. "-You'll see." He finished, turning his eyes and stomach twisting anxiety at the thing that would so quickly decide and know his fate long before he did. In the sudden change in emotions, George balled his fists and wrapped his robe sleeves into a ball. He needed to look calm, and like he knew what he was doing, like he wasn't scared. One by one, he forced himself to watch the students before him. Watching them each bounce off towards the houses he sometimes guessed correctly and sometimes didn't. The first Slytherin to be chosen was a girl he thought he recognized. He'd seen her one Christmas and no doubt it would turn out she'd be a relative closer than he expected. His mind turned to wonder at exactly how many people he was related to within the room. All Purebloods were connected somewhere and most witches and wizards tried so hard not to think of the implications and just carry on with their lives. George pulled himself out from his out head once again and turned to Sadie as she took a second to realize it was herself whose name was next. George had pictured Hufflepuff for his friend, at least he assumed, from simple conversation that she wasn't going to be Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Those students were clever and unique upon appearance and conversation. He turned to Seine and back up to Sadie, watching her as carefully as he would watch himself. She was up there for seconds despite how slowly time seemed to pass. George passed one of the several lumps in his throat and watched as the hat boomed across the Great Hall. "GRYFINDOR." George smiled and watched as she bounded over to the table like a small child at Christmas. He was jealous of course, he'd long to be already sat down. His eyes pulled back forwards, watching the remaining students names reel off the parchment as if with ease. Some students were sorted in seconds, others it took a moment. The event seemed to pass quickly but as the letters counted down, George felt his body shrink and cower. He felt the boy by his side disappear off and sit under the hat, leaving him alone and very much afraid. He pulled on his robes again, hearing another booming 'GRYFINDOR' pass by his ears. His stomach leapt and his brain told him to run, his entire body acted as if the whole situation around him was life threatening. He was going to die. Yet it was in a moment that his brain kicked in. [i]No... Why does it matter? It's seven years... Seven years and we'll be out and free to do whatever it is that grown wizards do.[/i] George forced himself to let go of his robes and watched as the letters counted down once more. He knew they were perched in N and for some reason there were plenty of them. "Nott, George." The witch chimed, looking about and spotting one of the remaining ten students haphazardly step forwards. George's feet felt like lead, think and heavy. Yet with a grim bout of determination, the boy forced himself up the steps and lowered himself onto the stool. He was greatful for it's size. He needed to look like he wasn't afraid, like he wasn't weak... So long as he didn't see everyone looking. George sat quietly, waiting. It felt like a year when the voice finally began to speak so vividly in his head. [i]You've ambition like your brother, quite a lot more than him.[/i] The hat paused leaving George to force himself to keep calm again, despite the damp on his palms. [i]You're brave yet your already afraid.[/i] The hat continued, reading off a list of things George knew about himself didn't, reading his mind better than he could himself. He tensed up on some words and felt his face lose all colour half way through. He may have been sat there for no longer than twenty seconds, no way near the longest of the day. [i]Fear is not a weakness, and strength isn't an assest. I told your father that years ago. You share a lot, you should be proud.[/i] George turned his head down, hiding his face and shame from the room ahead. The Hat seemed to lift his head up a second later, testing him in one final aspect. He looked his own eyes from the ground and looked over at the table he feared most. The Hat paused a second longer and shouted finally. "GRYFINDOR." George gave a short and obvious sigh of relief, caught by his brother a table across from his own. He had been sat on the stool not even for a minute, he felt as if time had stopped. He made a break for the table cheering and dropped in a space besides Sadie, his heart racing and his legs like jelly. He was thankful for the privacy of those conversations, they were private and personal.