[b]Alex Clark - Cabin[/b] Soon everyone who wanted to join was ready, and two teams were made. Most of the weapons and supplies went to those returning to the Outpost. The already depressed sphere turned grim as those preparing to save the girl prepared themselves to move out. Danny led the 'campaign' and got the entire group moving with the strict rules that there would be no sleep untill they'd find a vehicle. Alex didn't entirely agree with that, since it wasn't very practical, but he understood that it was more of a sign to tell the rest they would be moving at a high pace. All day long. Alex himself felt strangely awake after the sleepless night of the fire, the chase and this entire thing. He remembered the feeling from pulling all-nighters to finish assignments at university, but he knew that after a while he'd be hit by a wave of terrible and irresistable exhaustion.