Dana sat through the spectacle with his eyes wide open and his jaw tightly clenched. A bottle of non-specific booze was passed around like a plague, and when it reached him he eyed it apprehensively, and took it gingerly, as if it might bite. He put it under the bench, behind his feet, and looked between James and his brother. Che seemed like a good guy, and Dana thought he might even need his... counseling at some point. But James, and this "Princess" he would keep a clear distance from if he could help it. They were exactly the sort of people he was trying to get away from in coming here. Dana made a mental note to ask Che to keep his brother away. Che would understand, he was sure, but maybe he wouldn't be able to accommodate, the other man seemed uncontrollable. "So," Dana cut in, trying to bring conversation back to schooling, "What's the room situation going to be like?"