[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] After a minute, he nodded and handed back the paper. "Thank you, this is helpful. Um...has it all been trial and error for people up until now? I guess it probably has if they never said the rules, though, huh? Um..." The short boy shifted for a moment, still thinking. "I guess I don't really know what to ask. I'm not certain that questions get anyone anywhere here, anyway." [/quote] "Questions rarely get answered. But if you think of something be sure to ask. We might not be able to answer but we will try. Each of us leaders as a job to do. My job is to keep everyone as calm as possible. Not an easy task under these circumstances but I try. Just do what your told and you shouldn't have any troubles with the administration. You should head to bed soon. Lights out is in an hour."