I will note that i edited my CS about 17 minutes ago which may or may not be an improvement. There i mentioned the abilities as a placeholder, meaning fully intend on giving full descriptions of them. I removed the discoveries list entirely, though I will note that as an alchemist there is about half and half between magic and tech so the flaming pinwheel, while it really isn't overly powerful (without a very large drawback as far as materials are concerned, that thing would waste a LOT of lethal reagents before even hitting a target) I think would be mildly acceptable. If you do not agree then I will refrain from using that toy in practice. I also reworded the personality section entirely, please take the violent side with a grain of salt as this is a fairly rare thing for him to do. Even if it is quite... noticeable... Orc Fever was really just a name plastered onto a hollow idea of disease, once again the list where this was included has been deleted. I do intend on using some form of disease in the rp as a weapon, deterrent or torture device and when I do so I will explain the ailment thoroughly. I am curious as to why the backstory is not fitting. I assume it has something to do with a lack of street peddling or a black market in Merida or just a general lack of mad scientists. I will get to fixing that as soon as I am fully aware of the problems therein. Speaking of the setting, I don't really seem to have a full grasp of what era of humanity the RP represents. Fantasy settings seem to mix so many elements of history in a big pot that it gets difficult to determine what is acceptable and what isn't. And I am sorely sorry for making something so rife with issues. I would be glad to clear this up.