--------------------------------------------------------------- [b][i]~~~~~~Agrabah / Royal Street (Main path leading from Palace to City Gates)~~~~~~[/i][/b] The streets of Agrabah grew dense with crowds the further Nomis and his group headed towards the grand palace. The large cart being pulled by some of the groups members, creaked and groaned as it was pulled along the sand dusted streets of the city, The brief sounds of sloshing liquid from beneath the covering canvas, along with the whisper like hisses, managed to turn a few heads of the inhabitants as the group travelled by them. So many people seemed to fill such a small and confined city to breaking point, and yet the citizens seemed to be well used to the situation they grew up surrounded by. Soon the great palace gates came into sight as the travelling group of Nomis passed through one of the streets many arches, and though it was still some distance before they could even physically touch it, the sheer size of the gates went hand in hand with the majestic sight of the palace looming over not just it, but the city and desert also. "[b]Uncle Nomis...?[/b]" The voice came from behind the walking man, his stance immediately freezing in place as he stopped in his tracks, the rest of the group moving onwards still, although slowly. As Caleb appeared from the shadows of one of the market stalls, his uncle continued to keep his back the only thing facing his nephew, even as he began to ask the important question. "[b]Did you find out what we needed to know?[/b]" "[b]Yes…they’re in a place called the Basilisk Inn. It seems pretty ordinary, just like the rest of the buildings here. It would have taken too long if we just searched any old place.[/b]" Caleb said as he stood facing his uncle’s back, though his eyes seemed to keep looking at anything but the silent unmoving posture of Nomis himself. "[b]And the three trackers? I trust you’ve already dealt with them before you went looking yourself?[/b]” “[b]Their bodies are being taken back to Arundhati right now, Uncle…[/b]” “[b]Very good, Caleb. Very good indeed. Now all that’s left is to reacquire the creature, and then we can return to my work.[/b]" Finally starting to move once more, Nomis turned towards one of the masked figures that had arrived in Agrabah aboard the massive ship. "[b]Finish the preparations at the palace gates and begin immediately. I will return to Arundhati once finished myself and examine the data you send back from the experiment. Come along now, Caleb, show me this place.[/b]" [b][i]~~~~~~Agrabah / Palace Gates~~~~~~[/i][/b] The sound of the bustling crowds passed the large palace gates could still be heard, even as the small group of robed figures were busy setting up their equipment. The more portable machines seemed to link together, creating the miniature monitors and tall metal coils, now surrounding the large cloth covered item that had been delivered via the cart. As the mask wearing figure removed the small darkness filled glass from the confines of his robe, the cloth was busily being pulled free by one of the other figures, revealing the large glass cylindrical chamber full of the murkiest deep dark green water imaginable. So still was the water, that at first glance one would believe it to be some kind of solid substance, but at the first brief sparks of electricity being caused by the metal coils surrounding the chamber, the once stillness of the water gave way to a sudden and very violent thrashing. More and more of the generating lightning arched from the machine driven coils, immediately latching and linking onto the purposefully placed devices lining the glass chamber in the centre. Stepping directly up to the chamber itself, the masked figure uncorked the vial given to him by his Lord Clacverk before quickly pouring the concentrated darkness from Hollow Bastion’s own Factory core straight into the water. For a few seconds, the darkness added quickly dominated the green liquid before it soon faded and disappeared deeper into the depths of the water, returning everything to the original dark green. Suddenly erupting from the opened hatch on the top of the cylinder, the creature that emerged was horrific to look at. The amount of tendrils hanging from not just its long, leech-like drooping face but in patches and growths along its body, was just one of the things that made the creature disturbing. The biggest thing being the actual sight of its form twisting and splitting as it seemed to evolve to its new environment. "[b]Lord Clacverk wants you to search out the creature with that scent. You can feed on it if it puts up resistance, but Lord Clacverk wants it returned to him alive, do you understand?[/b]" Said the masked figure as he began to step away from the chamber and the large abomination that hung over its side and stared at him. The large purple eye that suddenly sprouted along the creature's blank face glanced around at everything surrounding it, its mind though simple, was more than intelligent enough to understand the task it was given. The darkness it fed on was strong, a familiar taste it hadn’t gotten the chance to have in a very long time. Just the small sample was more than enough to sway the monster to do what was being asked. Sliding out of the chamber and simply falling to the ground like a fish on dry land, the creature’s tapered lower half soon started to split and twist into an entirely new form. The legs it now had were very distorted, as if the bones they were made of were clearly not natural, threatening to break through the skin at a sudden twist. And yet, the creature seemed content with the change to its body, its hulking form moving on all fours as its first course of action was to immediately charge towards the gates. Leading back out to the bustling streets of Agrabah, the sound of panicked screams from the crowds didn't seem to cause the massive parasite to take any particular notice, its focus solely on one thing, where the delicious source of darkness was hiding.