[center][img=th05.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/f/2014/280/c/e/new_52_reverse_flash_by_angel_of_deathx1-d81ynq9.jpg][/center] [i]The dream is always the same. He's running. Always running, whether to it or from it, the direction doesn't matter. He ALWAYS ends up here, to this moment. To Robern's bedside. His tears always stream down his face as the 25th Century doctors, with all their knowledge, with all their technology, fail his brother again, and again. He always sees his brother die, as the blood pours from his-[/i] Eobard Thawne, better known to the world as the speed demon Reverse-Flash, woke with a jolt, a large gasp as he was suddenly and violently awoken by his recurring nightmare. Every time he woke, every time he gasped, he cursed the name of Barry Allen. Swearing like a sailor under his breath, he sighed and took note of his surroundings. At the speed of sound, he could take minute details in in a matter of seconds. He studied every crack on the ceiling, every word written on the walls. He moved at the speed of sound, creating a swirling tornado of red lightning as he circled the exercise yard, creating a sonic boom. If that didn't wake up the others, it would shortly. He had noticed Digger as one of the people laid out here. Great. He had to deal with Captain Boomerang. But why were they laid out here, in Belle Reve's exercise yard? He glanced up at the cameras, and a thousand scenarios ran through his head at the speed of light, boiling down to a single word. Waller. Amanda Waller, to be exact. That answered the who, but why remained persistent. Why would Amanda Waller, head of a top secret ops group NO ONE knew about, put three of arguably the world's most dangerous men together in an exercise yard unsupervised? He especially, considering he was the Fastest Man Alive, despite what is said of the Flash? The Red and Black tornado kept swirling, he kept moving faster and faster, the Negative Speed Force Energy building. only to subside into his collar. It kept him from vibrating through it, and from reaching time travel speeds, but otherwise, was useless. Well, if one called a small bomb useless. It was Amanda Waller's dog collar she had given him, yet she remained vague on why she had bestowed this on him. He flicked a glance on the other two men, and kept the tornado going, electricity crackling around it. Boomer would hate it, but Eobard didn't care. He knew that for any listening ears or watchful eyes, that appearances were everything. He heard groaning and glanced, though he didn't bring his speed to a stop, keeping the red and black vortex going. Captain Boomerang was awake. Perfect.